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New Customs Commodity Codes in 2024

Update your master data now to remain compliant!

In the world of international trade, keeping up with customs regulations is essential for smooth operations. On January 1, 2024, changes will be made to EU commodity codes, for both import and export. These changes can have a significant impact on customs declarations and determining international VAT rates for your products.

For businesses engaged in import and export or regularly submitting customs declarations, the accurate use of the correct commodity code is of great importance. This prevents incorrect tax calculations and unauthorized exports.

Keeping your master data up to date is not a one-time task. At each year's end, the Combined Nomenclature (CN) is reissued, and every five years, changes are made to the Harmonized System (HS).

At Gateway, we have neatly sorted the EU commodity codes that will change as of January 1, 2024. These more than 200 changed codes cover various chapters, specifically chapter 29 - Organic chemical products.

List of Changed Commodity Codes 2024

To help you, we have compiled a list of the changing commodity codes that have become effective as of January 1, 2024.

Download here the list of new commodity codes in 2024

In Gateway, you can effortlessly manage and update your master data via standard interfacing. For submitting a customs declaration or manifest to Customs, Gateway can also validate your declarations (DTV), minimizing errors.

For more information on customs tariffs, you can visit the Dutch Customs Tariff Platform (DTV)

For questions about our Customs Software solutions, please feel free to let us know via the Gateway contact form

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