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Bonded Warehouse Software

Our bonded warehouse software helps you comply with all Customs requirements for managing your bonded warehouse. A bonded warehouse, also known as a customs warehouse, provides the opportunity to store goods with the deferral of payment of import duties or other levies. With Gateway's Bonded Warehouse solution, you can easily and efficiently manage non-Union goods and meet all Customs administrative obligations. The presentation declaration can be automated. All necessary stock reports for Customs can also be generated. At any time, you can check the precise customs status and value of your bonded goods.

Transit and DMS Placement

Our Bonded Warehouse software seamlessly integrates with both Transit (DVA / NCTS) and DMS. Upon Transit Arrival, both the Transit Arrival declaration and the DMS Placement declaration are automatically generated, enabling you to be ready for further processing immediately. Our Bonded Warehouse automatically checks and validates the correct customs declarations based on your processes, ensuring a flawless bonded warehouse handling. This integration provides an efficient and streamlined workflow, seamlessly synchronizing all necessary declarations and data between the various customs systems in Gateway.

Integration with RTO & PGTS

Our Bonded Warehouse software is integrated with the TSF (Temporary Storage Facility, in Dutch “Ruimte Tijdelijk Opslag”) solution and supports various functionalities of Cargonaut's PGTS (Paperless Goods Tracking System). This allows you to easily exchange logistic information in and around Schiphol without transit declarations and store non-Union goods in TSF for a period of 90 days. This integration enables you to benefit from a streamlined logistics chain and minimize administrative burdens and risks.

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A simple, efficient and safe process.

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It is clear from start to finish what happens and has happened to Customs goods.

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Dutch Customs greatly appreciates the overview this creates!

What do our customers say about us?

Gateway your leading partner in customs software Gateway your leading partner in customs software
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